kiet 산업연구원 kiet 산업연구원




산업연구원에서 발주하는 연구용역, 시설용역 등의 입찰공고

Forecast and Overview of Korean Automotive Industry 2004-08-30 문서 미리보기문서 다운로드
authors : Hang Koo Lee, Mi Kyung Pai

1. Introduction
Ever since the automotive industry was picked as a strategic industry for promoting exports and pulling up economic growth in the 1970s, it has performed as a successful core industry in the Korean economy. The success of Korea’s automotive industry so far has been cited as an outcome of strategic government investments in the 1970s, and the automotive industry persisted growing even during the downturn of emerging IT industry.
However, Korea is now facing an accelerated increase of outbound investments for the auto parts & components industry and R&D thereof to China and third world countries. Furthermore, recent competition in the global automobile market is intensified by the mainstream of the innovation driven economy and also economic blocs such as the WTO (World Trade Organization), FTA(Free Trade Agreement), and RTA (Regional Trade Agreement) among countries...


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