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산업연구원에서 발주하는 연구용역, 시설용역 등의 입찰공고

Korea`s Efforts to Meet Global Standards in Regulatory Transparency 2004-06-30 문서 미리보기문서 다운로드
author : DoHoon Kim (Industrial Cooperation and Globalization Division)

As Korea has pursued so-called outward-oriented economic policies, people easily admit the importance of trade and foreign investment. However, there is still a mercantilist approach among government officials and the general public. They feel that doing something to increase exportation is a good thing and limiting importation up to ? necessary level?is also a policy that should be respected.
There has been also a continuous trend of market opening or globalization as Korea has actively participated in international organizations such as WTO, OECD, APEC etc. When the notorious ?mport diversification system?which had been discriminating Japanese products was abolished in 1999, the Korean market could be called a ?ompletely liberalized market? at least at the border regulation level.
Also, since the Korean economy was hit harshly by the financial crisis in 1997 and suffered from a shortage of foreign exchange, the Korean government has issued policy packages for attracting more foreign direct investment. But there still remains a patriotic preference of domestic companies to foreign ones...


산업연구원의 본 저작물은 “공공누리 제4유형 : 출처표시 + 상업적 금지 + 변경금지” 조건에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. 저작권정책 참조

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