Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade



Research Reports

Assessment and improvement directions of policies on environment-friendly vehicles 2017.12.21


Recently, environmental pollution problem is becoming serious in the world. Accordingly, the development and dissemination of environmentally friendly vehicles are becoming important. Environmental regulations for automobiles will be strengthened in the future. Therefore, sales of environmentally-friendly vehicles such as electric cars, plug-in hybrid cars are expected to increase rapidly. As technology advances, electric vehicles are now regarded as the most environmentally friendly vehicles, and Fuel cell electronic cars are expected to develop in the future.

The supply of environment-friendly cars in Korea is lower than the world average, but development and production levels are similar to. Korea’s electric cars and plug-in hybrid cars have been sold not only in Korea but also overseas. Fuel cell electronic vehicles (FCEVs) for Commercialization were produced for the first time in the world. Production of batteries, motors, and hydrogen stacks, which are core parts of hydrogen-fueled automobiles, is also being carried out domestically, so it has some competitiveness.

Korea’s eco-friendly automobile policy is largely concerned with automobile-related environmental regulation, supply support, and development of automobiles and components.

Government agencies including the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, the Ministry of Science and Technology and local autonomous entities, related organizations are involved in these policies. The government provides various policies and subsidies.

Korea is the world’s top Supporter supply of eco-friendly automobiles, and investment support for R & D is also taking place. However, there is an indication that the efficiency of the policy and the long-term perspective are lacking.

Therefore, Korea’s eco-friendly automobile policy should be promoted to meet the overall environmental improvement goals and environmental regulations should also be simplified. In particular, it should be considered whether it is truly environmentally friendly, and a method of distributing automobiles using hydrogen energy should be prepared by analyzing the domestic energy structure. In particular, considering the fact that it is environmentally friendly, it is necessary to analyze the domestic energy structure and propose a way to supply FCEVs using hydrogen energy. Supply policies should be differentiated by region and income level.

Korean governments and corporations should focus on developing competitive automobiles and components, and strengthen battery development. The government can improve the competitiveness of the car performance by considering the performance of the vehicle when driving the supply business. It is possible to create a new business model in the related industries of the environment friendly automobile sector. In order to export the environmentally friendly automobiles of Korean production, it is necessary to solve entry barriers and to open overseas markets. Currently, various policies are being pursued by various government ministries, so an institution that can manage them in a comprehensive manner should be established. Also, automobile industry policy should be pursued in accordance with local characteristics.


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