Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade



Vision & Goals

Vision Goals
To be Korea’s premier industrial policy think tank,
guiding the Korean economy through a period of great transition
Inform, devise, and contribute to national policies that improve productivity and enhance national competitiveness through the study of major industrial, technological, and sectoral trends and phenomena
  • Design comprehensive industrial policy to overcome challenges both foreign and domestic, and provide the fuel to power an economic leap forward
    • Formulate industrial strategies that leverage opportunities arising from the changing economic paradigm
    • Develop strategies to enhance global competitiveness and expand markets in an era where economic security is of paramount importance
    • Improve economic forecasting capabilities and establish a foundation for fact-based policymaking
    • Lay the policy groundwork for achieving balanced national development and discovering new engines of economic growth
  • Elevate the status of our institution through reforms to the research environment and by expanding the audience for our research outcomes
    • Build a new project management system that harmonizes research expertise and autonomy
    • Expand and strengthen our network of partners and sister institutions in the field of policy research to maximize the reach of our research products
  • Promote institutional reforms emphasizing transparency and accountability
    • Introduce a system of sustainable governance
    • Realize social value through institutional governance
National policy research
KIET helps lay the groundwork for national strategic policy initiatives. Our research includes investigations of foreign and domestic industries and technologies, and international trade and commerce
Information provision & consultation
KIET performs specialized consulting services for clients seeking insight on industrial policy, corporate management, technological innovation, trade policy, and balance regional development policy
Industrial and corporate strategy design
KIET serves public and private sector clients both domestic and international in formulating business and industrial strategies
Connecting the public and private sectors
KIET is a venue for productive policy discussions between the government and private sector actors
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