Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade



Vision & Goals

Vision Goals
An industrial policythink tank guiding
Korea’s industrial and economic future
KIET collects and studies data on industry, technology, trade, local industries, and various economic trends. The fruits of our research play an important role in shaping national policy and contributing to the international competitiveness and corporate productivity of Korean industries.
  • Establish KIET as an industrial research hub
    • Formulate forward-thinking visions and mid- to long-term development strategies for industries and industrial segments
    • Bolster research on industrial policy and corporate strategies designed to bring about an innovation economy
    • Boost research efforts industrial cooperation strategies and balanced development policies aimed at preserving Korean firms’ global competitive edge
  • Design, establish, and operate a full lifecycle research project delivery system
    • Institutionalize a system in which project management and delivery are tailored to clients’ specific needs
    • Enhance the effectiveness of research dissemination and circulation systems
  • Pursue stakeholder-inclusive management innovation
    • Build a future-proof organizational operations system
    • Foster an organizational culture that establishes constituent rapport
    • Deploy ESG management techniques to actualize social value
National policy research
KIET helps lay the groundwork for national strategic policy initiatives. Our research includes investigations of foreign and domestic industries and technologies, and international trade and commerce
Information provision & consultation
KIET performs specialized consulting services for clients seeking insight on industrial policy, corporate management, technological innovation, trade policy, and balance regional development policy
Industrial and corporate strategy design
KIET serves public and private sector clients both domestic and international in formulating business and industrial strategies
Connecting the public and private sectors
KIET is a venue for productive policy discussions between the government and private sector actors
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