Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade




KIET history and timeline
  • NOW
  • 2021

    Hyeon Ju appointed 22nd President of KIET

  • 2014

    At the vanguard of Korea's balanced national development policy, KIET relocates from Seoul to the adminitrative capital of Sejong City and enters a new era as a leading industrial policy hub

  • 2003

    Established the Center for Balanced National Development as a department-level research division in accordance with the Special Act on Balanced National Development to study balanced national devleopment and regional policy

  • 2000-Present A leap forward

    KIET emerges as a leading think tank on industrial and regional policy

  • 1999

    Became affiliated with what is now known as the National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences, an umbrella organization supervising all the public research institutes in the social sciences

  • 1998

    Established a division dedicated to research on the development of new, knowledge-based industries and transforming existing industries into knowledge-intensive industries. This was done help the country overcome the 1997 foreign exchange crisis as well as to promote economic growth and job creation

  • 1991 ~ 1999 A restructuring period

    As the national industrial structure began to revolve around technology-intensive industries and the economy grew more and more open, KIET underwent a structural transformation

  • 1994

    In light of the rapidly-expanding scope of industry and the growing importance of international trade and commerce in this period, the Center for Industrial and Technical Information was spun off as in independent entity, the Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, to improve research on industrial and trade issues

  • 1984

    Renamed the Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade, KIET began focusing research efforts on the Japanese and U.S. economies amid an ongoing industrial expansion, and promoted increased awareness of the importance of trade and commerce

  • 1982

    Re-launched as Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Technology (KIET) through the merger of Korea International Economic Institute (KIEI) and Korea Science and Technology Information Center (KORSTIC)

  • 1982 ~ 1990 The growth years

    KIET was re-established as an industrial studies institute combining research capacities in economics and information technology

  • 1977

    KFMES' strong performance led the government to expand its research operations to study Africa, Central and South America, Asia, and Europe. To reflect its new mission, the organization was rechristened as the Korea International Research Institute

  • 1976

    This organization originally began life as the Korean Foundation for Middle East Studies (KFMES) in response to the first lobal oil shock, which had profound reverberations across the developed and developing worlds

  • 1976 ~ 1982 The early years

    KIET was founded as a public research institute and given a mission to study the global economy to support the growth of the Korean economy

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