Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade



Academic Events

Detailed schedule
Detailed schedule
Date Title Current Situation
2024.10.1010.10 2024 KIET-VIOIT Workshop Seminar ends
2024.09.0909.09 KIET-UNIDO Study Group Seminar Seminar ends
2024.09.0609.06 BRIN-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2024.09.0509.05 IKFT-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2024.07.2507.25 KIET-EUI Internship Capstone Presentation Seminar ends
2024.06.2606.26 工经研-产业研 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2024.06.2606.26 The 5th Sub-Joint Committee & The 9th Policy Dialogue on Korea-Indonesia Cooperation for Making Indonesia 4.0 Seminar ends
2024.06.1306.13 The 8th Policy Dialogue on Korea-Indonesia Cooperation for Making Indonesia 4.0 Seminar ends
2024.05.3105.31 IMF Staff Visit to KIET Seminar ends
2024.05.2905.29 Indonesia-Korea Workshop on Bioplastics Seminar ends
2024.05.2905.29 产业研-应用研 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2024.04.0904.09 SISS Delegation to KIET Seminar ends
2024.04.0304.03  Indonesia SEZ Delegation to KIET Seminar ends
2024.04.0204.02 2024 Korea-India Industrial Cooperation Forum Seminar ends
2024.03.1803.18 KIET-OECD Roundtable on Responsible Business Conduct Seminar ends
2024.03.0503.05 IKFT-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2024.02.2802.28 Korea-US Supply Chain Cooperation Expert Discussion Seminar ends
2024.02.2602.26  BRIN-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2024.02.2002.20 Ambassador of India Visit to KIET Seminar ends
2024.01.1001.10 Nakasone Peace Institute (NPI) Delegation to KIET Seminar ends
2023.12.1912.19 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2023.12.1912.19 US-Korea Commercial Relations Webinar Seminar ends
2023.12.1412.14 OECD STI Delegation to KIET Seminar ends
2023.11.2211.22 KIET-BRIN OREM MOU Signing Ceremony Seminar ends
2023.11.2111.21 ASIA Industry Forum 2023 Seminar ends
2023.11.2011.20 2023 International Conference Seminar ends
2023.11.2011.20 2023 Global Korea Forum Seminar ends
2023.11.1311.13 数字时代韩中产业合作 Seminar ends
2023.11.0911.09 U.S. Sanction Against China on National Security Technologies Seminar ends
2023.10.2410.24 China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) Delegation Visit Seminar ends
2023.10.2010.20 2023 KIET- VIOIT Workshop Seminar ends
2023.10.1710.17 2023 RIETI-TIER-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2023.10.1110.11 亚太研-产业研 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2023.09.1309.13 UNIDO Study Tour Team Visit Seminar ends
2023.09.0709.07 KIET-BRIN OREM Letter of Intent Signing Ceremony Seminar ends
2023.09.0709.07 KIET-IKFT MOU Signing Ceremony Seminar ends
2023.08.2908.29 50th Anniversry Seminar of diplomatic relations between Korea and Bangladesh Seminar ends
2023.08.2908.29 Korea-Indonesia Joint Research Cooperation for Making Indonesia 4.0: Workshop Seminar ends
2023.07.1807.18 KIET-EUI Internship Capstone Semina Seminar ends
2023.06.2806.28 KIET – SCOPE Maastricht Seminar Seminar ends
2023.06.2006.20 产业研-应用研 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2023.05.1705.17 AI, Big Data and Policy Seminar ends
2023.05.1705.17 KIET-MOI Letter of Intent Signing Ceremony Seminar ends
2023.02.2002.20 The 6th Policy Dialogue & The 4th Sub-Joint Committee on Korea-Indonesia Cooperation for Making Indonesia 4.0 Seminar ends
2023.01.3001.30 Ukraine - Urban Recovery during a State of War Seminar ends
2022.12.0712.07 亚太研 - 产业研 中韩产业论坛 Seminar ends
2022.11.2411.24 产业研-应用研 中韩工业论坛 Seminar ends
2022.11.2311.23 Korea-Indonesia Industrial Cooperation after the G20 Seminar ends
2022.11.1811.18 后疫情时代,整体全球经济危机和应对 Seminar ends
2022.11.1511.15 2022 KIET-VIOIT MOU Ceremony & Workshop Seminar ends
2022.10.2710.27 2022 GTIPA Seoul Working Agenda Seminar ends
2022.10.2510.25 2022 KIET-RIETI-TIER Workshop Seminar ends
2022.06.1006.10 Industrial Policy for Growth in an Era of Transition Seminar ends
2022.03.1803.18 US Innovation and Industrial Policies at a Crossroads Seminar ends
2022.02.1002.10 Building Resilient Global Value Chains in an Era of Global Reallignments Seminar ends
2021.12.0712.07 碳达峰及碳中和目标下的中韩产业合作 Seminar ends
2021.10.2710.27 2021 RIETI-TIER-KIET Workshop Seminar ends
2021.07.2807.28 APEC Workshop Realizing the Role of the Digital Economy within GVCs Seminar ends
2021.07.2007.20 2021 KIET-KAEA Joint Seminar Seminar ends
2020.11.0511.05 2020 KIET-RIETI-TIER Workshop Industrial Policy Directions and Challenges in the Post COVID-19 Era Seminar ends
2020.08.2108.21 KIET-ASSIA Joint Seminar Energy Policy: Long-term Electricity supply and Demand Seminar ends
2020.08.1908.19 2020 International Joint Conference of Korea Trade Research Association (KTRA) and World Scholars in combination Seminar ends
2020.06.1806.18 Post COVID-19 : Challenges and Responses Seminar ends
2019.12.1312.13 Digital Transformation, Global Economy Seminar ends
2019.11.2511.25 The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Philippines Seminar ends
2019.10.0210.02 Trade Tensions: Rising Protectionism and Supply Chain Seminar ends
2019.06.1106.11 China-Korea Industrial Cooperation-- Development of Service Industry Seminar ends
2019.05.1405.14 2019年中韩产业论坛 亚洲价值链的变化与智能制造 Seminar ends
2019.04.1504.15 KIET-NIIS MOU Signing Ceremony Seminar ends
2019.03.1303.13 KIET-CSD of Saudi Arabia Meeting Seminar ends
2019.02.1902.19 Indonesia-Korea Business Forum Seminar ends
2018.12.2012.20 KIET-Information Technology and Innovation Foundation Joint International Seminar Seminar ends
2018.12.0412.04 Upgrading Globalization for Innovative Growth: The Expansion of Digital Companies in GVCs and Its Implications Seminar ends
2018.10.2410.24 U.S.-Korea Defense Acquisition and Security Cooperation Seminar ends
2018.10.1110.11 KIET-RIETI-TIER 2018 Workshop Seminar ends
2018.06.1306.13 신산업 혁명의 배경에 있는 한중 산업발전 Seminar ends
2017.12.1212.12 The Real Korean Innovation Challenge: Service and Small Businesses Seminar ends
2017.12.1112.11 The Global Economic Outlook and US-ROK Relations for 2018 Seminar ends
2017.12.1112.11 U.S.-Korea Defense Acquisition and Security Cooperation Seminar ends
2017.12.0512.05 1st Brazilian Congress on Advanced Manufacturing(4.0 Industry) Seminar ends
2017.11.3011.30 Roadmap for digital transformation Seminar ends
2017.11.2311.23 The International Academic Syposium for Embracing a Balanced Development Strategy and Innovative Growth - 5th KARP International Symposium - Seminar ends
2017.09.0509.05 KIET-Duke GVCC Joint International Conference Seminar ends
2017.03.1803.18 Economic Integration and Economic Growth, II Seminar ends
2017.02.2702.27 特朗普政府上台后,中美韩经贸关系变化与影响 Seminar ends
2016.11.3011.30 The Global Outlook for 2017: US-ROK Relations under the New US Administration Seminar ends
2015.07.2307.23 KIET-KAEA Joint Conference Seminar ends
2014.11.2511.25 Manufacturing Strategies of Japanese Firms in Asian Countries Seminar ends
2014.10.0710.07 How to Make Innovation and Research Work in Bulgaria Seminar ends
2014.08.1308.13 KIET-KAEA Joint Conference Seminar ends
2013.08.1908.19 The First Joint Workshop on Industrial Cooperation between Korea and Indonesia Seminar ends
2012.11.0511.05 Partnership for Industrial Development of Indonesia, The 2nd Joint Workshop Seminar ends
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주체 : 산업연구원

KIET Research faculty

  • 학력
    • Osaka Prefecture University (Ph.D)
    • 2021.06 - 현 재 제22대 산업연구원 원장
    • 2017.10 - 2019.05 대통령비서실 중소기업비서관/중소벤처비서관 비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업비서실 중소기업
    • 2015.04 - 2017.10 한국중소기업학회 부회장
    • 2015.03 - 2017.02 한국산업조직학회 감사
    • 2009.03 - 2017.10 한국동북아경제학회 이사

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유튜브 영상

View Summary

월간 KIET 산업경제 코로나19 발생 이후 제조업 고용 변화: 중간 점검

코로나19 발생 이후 대부분의 고용 관심사가 항공 및 여행서비스, 음식·숙박 서비스 등 주로 서비스 업종에 집중된 상황에서 본 연구는 최근 그 중요성이 강조되고 있는 제조업의 고용변화를 살펴보았다. 분석에 따르면, 코로나19 이후 제조업 고용은 비교적 큰 충격 없이 빠르게 회복하는 모습을 보이고 있다. 제조업 고용은 서비스업에 비해 큰 충격 없이 유지되고 있고, 코로나19 직후 2020년 상반기에 약간 하락하였지만 하반기부터 회복 추세를 보이고 있으며, OECD 주요국의 제조업과 비교하여도 일본과 함께 고용 충격이 비교적 작게 나타나고 있다. 그러나 전반적으로 양호한 고용 성적에도 불구하고 제조업 내 특성 별로는 차이가 나타나는 것으로 보인다. 종사상 지위 별로 보면, 임시·일용직, 고용원이 있는 자영업자에서 고용 충격이 상대적으로 크게 나타났고, 상용직과 고용원이 없는 자영업자는 큰 충격이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 제조업 규모별로는 300인 이상의 경우 코로나 발생 초기 약간의 충격 이후 고용이 빠르게 반등하면서 코로나 이전보다 고용이 더 증가한 반면, 이보다 작은 규모의 제조업체들의 경우 고용 회복이 더디게 나타나고 있다. 고용의 중장기, 단기 추세선을 비교한 결과 제조업 업종에 따른 차이를 보였다. 코로나 발생 이전 3년간의 추세선을 2020년 1월부터 연장한 선과, 2020년 1월부터의 실제 자료를 이용한 단기 추세선을 비교한 결과, 의약품은 코로나19 발생 이전부터 시작하여 코로나19 발생 이후에도 견조한 증가세를 유지하고 있으며, 전자부품·컴퓨터, 기타운송장비, 가구는 코로나19 이후 오히려 고용 추세가 개선되었다. 그러나 다수 업종은 코로나 발생 이후 고용이 하락하였는데, 특히, 비금속광물, 1차금속, 금속가공 분야나 인쇄·기록매체 업종에서 하락이 상대적으로 크게 나타났다.

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