Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade Korea Institute for Industrial Economics & Trade



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The Evolving Role of Industrial ODA: Implications for Korean Policy PreviewDownload 2023.09.26

The total value of official development assistance (ODA) has steadily grown over time worldwide, and South Korea is no exception. Moreover, Korea is poised to continue to increase its ODA contributions going forward.
In 2022, countries represented on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Development Assistance Committee (DAC) disbursed USD 211.4 billion (0.36 percent of their combined gross national income) in total to ODA, nearly 2.6 times more than the USD 81.2 billion they disbursed in 2000.
Korean ODA disbursements represent a relatively small share of its GNI, at just 0.17 percent. This places it in 28th place among the 30 countries on the DAC, and the country is under growing pressure to increase its contribution.
Industrial ODA has been identified as a pathway to facilitating the sustainable and self-sufficient economic development in developing countries.
Industrial ODA consists of activities that mutually benefit both recipient countries in need of industrialization
 Recently, industrial ODA has come to account for an increasingly larger proportion of Korean ODA and the Korean government is looking for ways to diversify ODA target sectors beyond the energy and communications fields that are the traditional recipients of such ODA.
Germany and Japan, both global manufacturing powers, are leaders in industrial ODA as well. Korea has the strongest presence in communications ODA; Australia is strong in the mining sector, and the US leads trade ODA.
However, the global economy is in the midst of a polycrisis. Major issues in every sector worldwide have prompted a paradigm shift in industrial ODA. In calling for an adjustment to this new paradigm, this report outlines an updated industrial ODA strategy: Industrial ODA 2.0. 
 The Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy (MOTIE) has announced plans to reform its industrial ODA programs to emphasize supply-chain, green, and technological ODA.
 These different areas of industrial ODA should be combined to enable developing countries to better deal with the global polycrisis, and also to strengthen the resilience of their industries and trade. 
The Korean government should expressly include supply-chain and trade ODA in its country partnership strategies (CPS).
A system needs to be established in the long run to ensure effective performance management, monitoring, and evaluation in industrial ODA.
 The Korean government also needs to actively cooperate with the private sector to seize and develop new ODA opportunities, expand the Korean ODA ecosystem, and maximize the intended effects of its ODA activities.


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